Can COVID-19 transmit through eyes?

  Current research, which is still evolving, shows that the chance of spreading the virus through the eyes is possible, but rare. Studies found only a small amount of virus in tears of infected individuals. That said, in alignment with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you should take all necessary precautions to avoid touching your eyes.

 Do glasses help protect against COVID-19?  

While glasses may potentially provide some protection from COVID-19, that protection is limited to the shielded area of the eye. The virus can still reach your eyes from the exposed sides, tops and bottoms of your glasses. In alignment with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you should take all necessary precautions to avoid touching your eyes.

 How should I clean my glasses in this period?  

COVID-19 is thought to remain on some materials for hours or days. For this reason, it’s advisable to regularly clean your glasses. A standard hand soap or glasses cleaning spray that contains detergent should be effective at removing potentially harmful microbes. Using antibacterial products such as hand sanitizer or household cleaning spray to clean your glasses is not recommended. This is because they probably contain alcohol or chemicals that could damage the lens surface of your glasses.

What can I do about increased screen time straining my eyes?  

There are many studies that associate prolonged computer use with eye strain and discomfort. Ocular surface dryness (due to infrequent blinking) can result in symptoms. To minimize this, you should follow the 20-20-20 rule: take a break every 20 minutes and look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. You can also change your computer display brightness, increase font size and minimize glare with proper lighting.

What is the company doing in light of COVID-19?  

We are determined to maintain the same level of confidence among our customers. When our products leave our factory, they do so in the safest, cleanest manner, packed and shipped by a carefully trained staff member after undergoing extensive checks.

How are the glasses in your stores cleaned/sanitized?  

Anti-bacterial wipes are used to clean each pair of sunglasses a customer tries on before returning them to the shelf. It’s also worth noting that when a customer purchases a pair of frames, they are getting a completely new pair from our stock that has not been tried on by other customers.

Are your packages safe to open?  

Yes. When our products leave our factory, they are packed and shipped by a carefully trained staff member after undergoing extensive checks. Furthermore, according the World Health Organization, it is safe to open packages from China, Italy and other countries where COVID-19 has been reported.